康熙教子读、背书120遍/Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Eduction

20-06-30 state.Since  it  was  summer,  the  weather was quite hot. The children were not allowed to carry fans or to...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 encountered a ship heading to the capital. At that time, the weather was so hot and humid that Dong asked to...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 stabilizing one’s emotions and state of mind.4. DietWhatever the weather, chilled foods and beverages that are...

Xuan Zang's Compassion Overcame Ruthless Bandits

18-12-27 compassion of Xuan Zang moved the heavenly beings. The weather suddenly changed. The sky darkened, a strong...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 , you will see the sky is blue and so is the sea, the hills are green and waters clear, the weather...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 , the emperor left to tend to the affairs of the state. Since it was summer, the weather was quite hot....

大都会名画欣赏 “华盛顿渡德拉威河”

17-06-26 river. There was an abrupt change in the weather forcing the men to fight their way through sleet and...

卫星图拍到惊悚画面 是飓风还是魔鬼...

16-10-06The Weather Channel)资深气象学家司徒·奥斯罗(Stu Ostro)10月2日在其推特上说,飓风马修位于海地上空时,卫星红外线监测图显示出恶魔形状的构图。整个构图很像露出半个脸的魔鬼...

Mercedes·Benz GLE——The Classical Heritage of Sports and Luxury 梅赛德斯·奔驰 GLE  运动与奢华之经典传承

16-09-13 。Reassurance when the weather turns, rewarding when the road turns 无惧冷暖干溼天气变化,不同路况GLE驾驶各有千秋。Standard on nearly...


16-04-12 to do sth. 想做 96. be pressed for time时间不够 97. be tied up with忙于 98. be under the weather 身体不好 99....

IBM收购The Weather天气预报公司

15-10-28 美国跨国科技公司IBM周三(10月28日)宣布,收购气象公司The Weather的数字业务。据《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)报导,IBM将使用其沃森(Watson)超级计算机系统...


15-08-30 手机APP:1 、天气软件-the weather channel很好用,可以添加很多城市 能看到每小时天气状况 未来十天的天气降水 日出日落 花粉/树粉/草粉散播程度 机场平均晚点状况2、 实时地图...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 until the weather is good and our border is calm."Four years after Liu Dan ascended the throne, the...

英国遭遇数周严寒 皑皑积雪似阿尔卑斯山(图)

15-02-05 18日,英国全国气温都将持续低于平均水平,尤其是南部地区。根据英国天气预报网站The Weather Outlook的观测,英国今年2月的平均气温低于2013年2月的2.8摄氏度,成为自2010年以来英国...